UCI Machine Learning Repositoryにある、赤ワインの評価と成分のデータです。データに関する説明はワインの味(美味しさのグレード)は予測できるか?(1)で丁寧になされていますので、ご確認ください。今回は6点以上であれば1を、そうでなければ0を取るものを教師データとしています。
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library(tidyverse) library(rstan) library(GGally) library(shinystan) library(pbmcapply) rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE) options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()) wine_dataset <- read.csv("dataset/winequality-red.csv") # Visualization ----------------------------------------------------------- ggpairs(wine_dataset) # Making group ----------------------------------------------------------- wine_dataset <- wine_dataset %>% mutate(citric_acid_group = if_else(citric.acid < 0.2, 1, if_else(citric.acid < 0.4, 2, 3))) wine_dataset <- wine_dataset %>% select(-citric.acid) |
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# Split Train and Test ---------------------------------------------------- smp_size <- floor(0.8 * nrow(wine_dataset)) ## set the seed to make your partition reproducible set.seed(123) train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(wine_dataset)), size = smp_size) train <- wine_dataset[train_ind, ] test <- wine_dataset[-train_ind, ] y <- if_else(wine_dataset$quality > 5, 1, 0) x <- as.matrix(wine_dataset %>% select(-quality)) y_train <- y[train_ind] y_test <- y[-train_ind] x_train <- x[train_ind,] x_test <- x[-train_ind,] x_train_group <- x_train[,ncol(x_train)] x_test_group <- x_test[,ncol(x_test)] x_train <- x_train[,1:(ncol(x_train)-1)] x_test <- x_test[,1:(ncol(x_test)-1)] x_train <- scale(x_train) x_test <- scale(x_test) |
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N <- length(y_train) # sample size n_fold <- 10 # number of folds K <- ncol(x_train) #n umber of predictors # Create cross validation data -------------------------------------------- # create 10 folds of data hh <- kfold_split_random(n_fold, N) #hh index the fold ID of each data point holdout_k <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = n_fold) for(i in 1:N) holdout_k[i, hh[i]] <- 1 # turn into a list holdout_k <- split(holdout_k,rep(1:ncol(holdout_k),each=nrow(holdout_k))) # the basic data object data_m <- list(N=N, K=K, M = length(unique(x_train_group)), citric_acid_group = x_train_group, X=x_train, y=y_train ) # create a list of data list data_l <- rep(list(data_m),n_fold) # add the holdout index to it for(i in 1:n_fold) data_l[[i]]$holdout <- holdout_k[[i]] # Define function --------------------------------------------------------- # function to parrallelize all computations # need at least two chains !!! stan_kfold <- function(file, list_of_datas, chains, cores,...){ library(pbmcapply) badRhat <- 1.1 # don't know why we need this? n_fold <- length(list_of_datas) model <- stan_model(file=file) # First parallelize all chains: sflist <- pbmclapply(1:(n_fold*chains), mc.cores = cores, function(i){ # Fold number: k <- ceiling(i / chains) s <- sampling(model, data = list_of_datas[[k]], chains = 1, chain_id = i) return(s) }) # Then merge the K * chains to create K stanfits: stanfit <- list() for(k in 1:n_fold){ inchains <- (chains*k - (chains - 1)):(chains*k) # Merge `chains` of each fold stanfit[[k]] <- sflist2stanfit(sflist[inchains]) } return(stanfit) } |
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data { int<lower=0> N; // number of data items int<lower=0> K; // number of predictors int<lower=0> M; // number of group row_vector[K] X[N]; int<lower=0,upper=1> y[N]; int<lower=0,upper=M> citric_acid_group[N]; int<lower=0, upper=1> holdout[N]; // index whether the observation should be held out (1) or used (0) } parameters { real mu[K]; real<lower=0> sigma[K]; vector[K] beta[M]; } model { for (k in 1:K) { mu[k] ~ normal(0, 100); sigma[k] ~ inv_gamma(1, 1); for (m in 1:M) beta[m,k] ~ normal(mu[k], sigma[k]); } for (n in 1:N){ if(holdout[n] == 0){ target += bernoulli_lpmf( y[n] | inv_logit(X[n] * beta[citric_acid_group[n]])); } } } |
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# Kick the stan code ------------------------------------------------------ # run the functions ss <- stan_kfold(file="model/logistic_regression_allowing_k_fold_cross_validation_hierachical.stan", data_l, chains=4, cores=2) |
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# Calculate Mean AUC ------------------------------------------------------ ## hierachical model set.seed(123) cv_mean_auc <- NULL for (i in 1:n_fold){ ext_fit <- extract(ss[[i]]) # choose 1 chunk # グループによって推定したパラメータが違う coef_list <- NULL group_list <- data_l[[i]]$citric_acid_group[data_l[[i]]$holdout > 0] for(j in 1:length(group_list)){ coef_list <- rbind(coef_list, colMeans(ext_fit$beta[,group_list[j],])) } lin_comb <- rowSums(data_l[[i]]$X[data_l[[i]]$holdout > 0, ] * coef_list) prob <- 1/(1 + exp(-lin_comb)) pred_value <- rbinom(sum(data_l[[i]]$holdout), 1, prob) # Syntax (response, predictor): auc = pROC::auc(data_l[[i]]$y[data_l[[i]]$holdout > 0], pred_value)[1] cv_mean_auc <- append(cv_mean_auc, auc) } cv_mean_auc mean(cv_mean_auc) |
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# Prediction -------------------------------------------------------------- # Choose best model in cross-validation ext_fit <- extract(ss[[1]]) # choose 1 chunk # グループによって推定したパラメータが違う beta_post <- NULL group_list <- x_test_group for(j in 1:length(group_list)){ beta_post <- rbind(beta_post, colMeans(ext_fit$beta[,group_list[j],])) } lin_comb <- rowSums(x_test * beta_post) prob <- 1/(1 + exp(-lin_comb)) pred_value <- rbinom(nrow(x_test), 1, prob) # Syntax (response, predictor): auc = pROC::auc(y_test, pred_value)[1] auc |
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> mean(cv_mean_auc) [1] 0.6745282 > mean(cv_mean_auc_normal) [1] 0.6640103 |
[1]Lionel Hertzog (2018), “K-fold cross-validation in Stan,datascienceplus.com”
[2]Alex Pavlakis (2018), “Making Predictions from Stan models in R”, Medium
[3]Richard McElreath (2016), “Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)”, Chapman and Hall/CRC
[4]松浦 健太郎 (2016), 『StanとRでベイズ統計モデリング (Wonderful R)』, 共立出版
[5]馬場真哉 (2019), 『実践Data Scienceシリーズ RとStanではじめる ベイズ統計モデリングによるデータ分析入門』, 講談社